
Platform major broad elements:

Local application of values
Local application of values presents the actual politics that in practice we truly stand for, stand against and stand aside from.

Our identity as a nation is being tested for transparency, a principle espoused from the Declaration of Independence forward.

Abuse of power
We’ll see what’s “irrelevant.” SCC long running pattern of political culture belies objectivity when it threatens to expose its abuse of power cowardice.

Redistribution of wealth
The recent “Occupy” movement broke the ice on redistribution of wealth. Masks, bandannas and pseudonyms turned opportunity into buffoonery.


I stand on courage, principle and honor. I am not a blowhard. I don’t like boasting. But this is politics, and I’m running for Supervisor.

“A good name is better than precious ointment; and the day of death than the day of one’s birth.” Honor has value, beyond the Santa Cruz Sentinel’s present reticence to recognize it.

I’m one of the most open people you’ll ever meet. You will be hard pressed to find a more open person than me.

I had the courage to do this. Without me, the son of the sitting Supervisor would have no opposition. From get-go my candidacy has been, and will remain, an act of transparency and openness.

I make no claims to perfection. I leave that to the holier-than-thou “Progressives.” The SCC progressive establishment chooses power over principle time and time again.

Change the paradigm. Vote Bob for Supe June 3!


Vote Bob for Supe June 3