70 is the new immortal.
Every important redress of grievance in history had to be repeated until it generated enough shame for reconciliation.
The Nextdoor algorithm: Either do the petty bourgeoisie plutocrat goosestep or get banned! Have at it.
Religion, war and authoritarianism made it into the 21st century.
People beg to be told. Before social media there were lynch mobs.
I’m in it for the one-liners.
We are bio-beings, there’s no denying that.
If everything isn’t a joke, I don’t know what is.
We all take up space.
I don’t hold grudges, I hold principles.
I stand before you utterly uncredentialed, naïve and ignorant.
I make no claims to perfection.
So they loaded up the bong and moved to Santa Cruz.
The edge of next.
Untainted by implementation.
Religion is politics beyond reproach.
Apostolic succession. Resident Apostate.
A life lived as a person, not an expectations clone.
I want a clean bill of health before I die.
I want to die naïve.
Politics by Swank Pad.
Politics by Dinner Party Set.
Flush Dough Politics.
I’m not into “moving on.” “Moving on” is not justice.
It doesn’t matter what the truth is, it’s who discredits whom.
Occasionally, the power of truth overcomes the inertia to suppress.
There is neither morality nor virtue, there is only appearance.
The thing to do, under advisement, is to look the other way and go along to get along.
Cowardice does not require a formal conspiracy to be effective.
When “we” do it it’s strategy, when “they” do it it’s treachery.
Most people beg to be told, as in “I was told,” because it assuages accountability.
Are treachery and deception normal? They’re certainly biological.
I’m not into goonsquad politics.
The older I get, the more I consider acknowledgement, accountability and remorse the high marks of virtue.
For most people, and most groups, acquiescence is obligatory, without which ostracization is mandatory.
Self-willed ambiguity and doubt oppose agenda control of idea exchange between individuals.
If you’re looking for an agenda clone, I’m not your guy.
Local application of values.
Petty power over principle.
There’s a market for getting buzzed, even when it’s called “setting up your palate.”
Another day, another couple of trips to the bathroom.
Honest Abe, the rail splitter. Studied law by candlelight.
The twelve-year thousand-year Reich.
How many Nazis can dance on the head of a swastika?
Stiff Armainia.
The Iron Fist of Truth.
Liberation obedience.
What joy! Now you can read “The Analects” in the vernacular!
Do we need enemies?
I was just following market forces.
My prole credentials are in order.
Why do the poor revere the rich?
A bunch of blue bloods.
Winnipeg, lose a dollar.
Dead deities make great endorsements.
A Bible in every belt.
Go to Mass. Receive Holy Eucharist.
I’ve had my fill of Jewish splinter groups.
Glory to God in the highest. May his trip be an endless one.
Lightning bolts in amino acids works for me.
So what was it? Serendipity, Electromagnetism or God?
Everything you do or don’t do affects everybody around you.
I will never fully process what it is to be alive.
“Kick off,” are you ready to “kick off?”
Other people die. I’m not going to die.
It’s not so easy to blow off death.
Life goes on, then you croak.
Religions retool. That’s how they maintain authority.
The only way out is in.
One-liner therapy.
And then I said, “Come for the one-liners, stay for the politics.”
And then I said, “Normal is what you get away with.”
“Plato says that Socrates says” is bad enough, but “God says?”
The Bhagavad Gita is missing two ha’s. It should be the Bhahahagavad Gita.
Did Jesus annoy people?
Batman is Jesus. Elvis is Batman.
Donald Trump is onto Jesus what Robin is onto Batman.
Donald Trump is the greatest leader America has ever known. His face should be the fifth face on Mt. Rushmore! Weed out Socialists! Make America Great Again! Long live Big Donald!
“Fourfold Aphorisms” of practical political analysis principles:
Birds of a feather flock together.
You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.
Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
One of my all-time favorite presumptions was the suggestion, “Maybe we can go wine tasting in a limo,” made years ago. As if it’s an assumed shared value, an elation. Still cracks me up.
“I’m not mainstream,“ a favorite quote. by a narcissist at a cafe in Felton on not being vaccinated. HaHaHa.
“I don’t want to aberrate the process,” was a line said to me years ago and remains one of my favorites. HaHaHa. It was in response to a political effort support request.
“My plate is full,” said the haughty, platitudinal-laden group “leader” in response to a political effort support request, making certain to stay clear from involvement.
Deception and treachery are as old as biology. We have to work against it or we’re caught in it.
I work for Goldstein.
[Insert name here] has spoken. End of story. On to the next puff piece.
Forbidden Zone!
This material is forsworn by all who are holy and righteous! “We are the goonsquad and we’re comng to town.”
“If Jesus is 1/20th of what the Bilble says he was, he doesn’t need me on my knees.” “That’s the most blasphemous thing I ever heard. WHAT’S YOUR NAME?” An actual conversation. Sieg heil.
Rich kids fucking around.
A bed of Bedouins
Don’t mean Shiite to a Moslem.
And if you don’t like it,
You can put it where the Sunni don’t shine.
Hitler’s in the bunker,
Trying to make a move on Eva.
He hands her a cyanide cap,
And tells her that he’ll never leave-a.
Are you brave enough to run guns for Jesus?
What’s this I hear you don’t give a fuck about Jesus?
Jesus is my lord and savior,
So I’m on my best behavior.
The behavior of the savior.
What fun! Rate your blasphemy! Which of these “classic” one-liners is most blasphemous? In historical idiomatic order:
Doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground.
Doesn’t have a pot to piss in.
Built like a brick shithouse.
Welders have hot rods.